City of Austin Circular Economy Program

Thanks for subscribing to the City of Austin's Circular Economy newsletter! Our program helps support businesses, entrepreneurs and non-profits that operate business models with circular economy strategies, including:
  • Products as a service: Renting, sharing or leasing products to replace single-user ownership
  • Using Waste as a Resource: Using recovered materials as feedstock or processing recovered materials like recyclables or organic waste.
  • Product Life Extension: Using repair, refurbishment, donation, or other reuse methods to maintain products or find a second product user.
  • Sustainable Material Innovation: Creating materials that are easier to recover by: 1) making them more durable, recyclable or compostable, or, 2) through reducing material toxicity.
  • Circular Design: Designing products for disassembly with modular and flexible design; designing out waste; redesigning supply chains or using the  cradle-to-cradle model of material use.

Our program distributes a monthly newsletter with relevant content for non-profits, entrepreneurs and established businesses in this space. The Circular Economy newsletter features relevant events, funding opportunities, City of Austin initiatives and other resources. 

If you are interested in signing up for specific program updates, such as Fix-It Clinics, MoveOutATX, ReVerse Pitch, which are delivered on an irregular basis, you can choose to opt into those mailing lists at the bottom.
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What is the name of the business/organization you represent?
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